Citado del libro Un Hijo Connectado (Quoted from The Connected Child)
"Para ser un padre eficaz es como caminar sobre una cuerda floja. Como padres deseamos ser compresivo y lo suficientement carinoso que los ninos se sientan libres para explorar nuevas cosas, aunque necesitamos ser suficientemente estictos para que los ninos puedan navegar el mundo en seguridad y de manera apropriada, con respeto hacia la autoridad."
"Effective parenting is a balancing act. As parents we want to be lenient and affectionate enough that children feel safe to explore and try new things, yet we need to be strict enough that children can navigate the world safely and appropriately, with respect for authority."
"Crees que eres mi papa? Me vas a pegar? o que?!"
Asi le pregunto a mi mas chiquita y se lo digo muy seguido para que se acuerde que no le debe pegar a su papa. Hace un par de semanas la desperte y como siempre ella se despierta de mal genio. Su primer instinto fue pasarme la mano por la mejia. "Juacate" en la calleta! Y cuando se dio cuenta me pidio perdon. Otro dia la chiquita esta malinterpreto un comentario y penso que me estaba burlando de lla. Levanto sus dos manos y me pego. Yo le tome la mano y le di en su mano. "A papa no se le pega." Claro que se disculpo. Pero mi gente dese cuenta que la cosa no es facil. Uno va hacer todo lo posible para ser amable pero tampoco se le puede dejar que se le amontonen encima.
"Do you think your my daddy? Are you going to hit me? or what?!" I frequently ask my little one and I've asked her this same series of questions frequently, so that she doesn't forget that she should never hit her dad. A couple of weeks ago I woke her and as always she awoke with a grumpy attitude. Her first response was to meet my check with her hand. "Smack!" Right across the kisser. As soon as she realized it she said sorry.
On another occasion, my little one misunderstood and comment and thought that I was teasing her so she lifted her two hands and hit me. I took her hand and I spanked her hand. "Don't every hit daddy." Of course she said sorry. But let me tell you, parenting is not easy. You try to be as caring as possible, but don't let your kids run all over you.